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The journal CRITICA aims to feed critical studies and discussions in the field of human sciences and, more broadly, in society and in professional circles. The social structure to which we belong, based on the use of industrial/digital means of production and on speculative or accumulative logics, questions the future of individuals, communities, knowledge, cultures and politics.


In a world that seems destined, in addition to the accelerated accumulation of capital, to the accumulation of crises (geo-political, economic, psychological), it is of the utmost importance to develop a critical thinking that allows us to distance ourselves from economic predation in order to redefine ourselves as a subject/society possessing specificities, autonomy, creativity, etc.


To achieve its aim and to strengthen a critical culture different from the culture of opinions or comments and polarized emotions promoted by social media, the journal CRITICA appeals to scientific arguments, namely to the confrontation of multidisciplinary theoretical third parties to increase the validity of the theses advanced. We therefore wish to confront knowledge coming from fields as diverse as sociology, psychology, medicine, politics, economics, anthropology, history, epidemiology, philosophy and the arts. For this purpose, we are calling on independent thinkers and researchers who refuse to accept consensus and who are committed to the disruptions of today's world.


CRITICA is an open access journal, peer-reviewed by scholars, and is published in English and Romanian.

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founders: camelia moraru & liviu poenaru

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